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The Locked & Lawyered

The Locked & Lawyered Community includes:

BUSINESS COACHING Monthly group coaching sessions on topics such as how to package and leverage your IP, goal setting, marketing, sales, operations, systems, hiring, and money mindset. 

ACCESS TO OUR LOCKED & LAWYERED COMMUNITY Ask questions, support one another and share what you’re working on and where you're stuck. Network, swap entrepreneurial stories, set goals and celebrate wins. MONTHLY GROUP 

COACHING SESSIONS & LEGAL Q&A HOT SEAT SESSIONS (Raise your hand and get undivided attention to help you navigate sales, marketing, mindset, and legal issues you have in your business. 

ACCOUNTABILITY Our team will check in on you to make sure you're making progress and help you meet your biggest goals. Coaching calls are not just for lectures; we help you implement! 

ACCESS TO OUR ENTIRE DIGITAL SHOP (Trainings, Workbooks, Templates & Resources) Choose from our trainings on mindset, sales, marketing strategies, hiring, and technology. Dive into our legal courses on copyrights and trademarks. Download workbooks, templates, swipe copy, and money-making resources. 

CUSTOMIZABLE LEGAL DOCUMENTS AND FORMS We’ve got templates for every type of contract you can imagine. From client services agreements, group coaching agreements, VIP day agreements, terms and conditions, refund policies, independent contractor agreements, release forms, liability waivers, COVID waivers, licensing agreements, demand letters, virtual assistant agreements, etc. ($2,500+ value) 


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  • L&L Community$597
  • Future payments
  • $597

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